Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Meet Ernest the Donkey

We're in love with Reuben the Donkey by Ric Rac designs, and now we have a relative of Reuben in the shop - his learned uncle Ernest!

Moira started out by making Reuben but as she sewed his head and muzzle she realised he was evolving into a wiser, older, and more well-read gentleman.  The original pattern for Reuben  features a smart coat and satchel (with the satchel clasps make out of the slidey gizmos on bra straps), and he has a full head of black wool-felt hair.   Moira decided that his uncle Ernest needed a tweed wool coat and glasses, and hair just didn't seem to suit him.

The pattern doesn't have tail so if there is anyone out there who has made him a tail, please let us know!

Reuben and Ernest finish at 14.5" high (37cm), and the pattern is $17.50

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