Tuesday, 24 January 2012

January Stitcher's Showcase

Hi everyone, and Happy New Year from Frangipani Fabrics!

Every two months in 2012 we will be showcasing a selection of the wonderful things are customers are making.  If you have sewn something using our fabric or patterns we'd love to see it!  Pop in to get your work photographed or send us a photo by mail or email, with a brief description.  Sharing your work is a great way to inspire and connect with others. 

Lemoyne Star by Kay Paltridge

Kay completed our beginners patchwork class and ambitiously decided to sew this beautiful Lemoyne Star quilt for her grandaughter, Ava.  She raided our selection of greens and mauves for the stars, and bordered them with a tone-on-tone white fabric.  The finished quilt was enormous at 90x100" ( 228x254cm) Kay says that it took "many months" to make (she lost count of just how many!), and Ava loves it - especially the secret mouse that she included in one of the stars.

Felt Angel Garland by Sue Vincent

Inspired by Moira's Felt Angel brooch pattern, Sue enlarged the pattern, sewed the angels and embroidered them each with the name of a family member.  As a special welcome to her family on Christmas Day, she attached them to some gold string by some xmas tree shaped pegs strung them across the doorway between the kitchen and dining room. Sue had planned to use the angel pattern to applique a table runner but ran out of time. She will save that project for next year! 

Malakai Disco Bot by Michelle Dean

Michelle Dean whipped up this Disco Bot by Ric Rac Designs, for her son Malakai.  She used wool-felt for his face and tummy, personalised him with an appliqued snail from our scrap basket and attached her son's name tag. She was so pleased with her Disco Bot that she enlarged the pattern and made another one double the size!  You can visit the Disco Bots Moira made for us instore.   

 Autumn Leaf Chinese Coins by Gitta Jensen

Gitta, a member of our Tuesday hand-sewing group, handpieced and quilted this beautiful quilt inspired by some autumn leaf fabric snagged from our sale box.  It features a Chinese Coin pattern, and stripey borders.  Gitta put the quilt aside until she could find exactly the right stripe!  She has hand quilted in with a formal swirly pattern in the borders, and little crosses in the Chinese Coins. 

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